Cryptid Handler - Insect Keeper
Colten Willilams
Dates Active:
March 2023 - October 2023
BCWPA Chapter Location:
BCWPA Banner:
Minor Department:
Cryptid Wildlife Management
Job Title:
Cryptid Handler - Insect Keeper
"Everyone overlooks insectoids..."
Unlike many BCWP Agents, Colten is unphased by the agency's least popular wards: insects. While these specimens' many legs, mandibles, long antennas, compound-eyes, and, occassionally, wings make even some of the groups' tougher members cower, Colten has a fascination instead of fear towards them. Primarily responsible for not only bug-welfare, but Insectoid Research, Colten leads investigations and studies on the world's most bizarre, insect-like organisms. Most recently, he led a team to the home of "Mantis Man", a (luckily) vegetarian megafauna found only on the shallow banks of the Musconetcong River.