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A group of trained individuals with a love for strange stories, weird beings, and rarities. They primarily focus on cryptids, but other internal sects study folklore, the paranormal, superstition, and mythology.



The BCWPA works to protect & raise populations of rare creatures, like cryptids, study mysterious organisms, preserve stories, unusual accounts, & information, as well as educate the public on these subjects.



Anyone can become an agent of the BCWPA!

What is the BCWPA?

What does the BCWPA do?

Who can join the BCWPA?

Image by Patrick Konior

cryptid wildlife
protection agency


Why Join the BCWPA?


Gear & Exclusives

Receive a montly assortment of BCWPA items: postcards from the field, new field sketch prints, stickers - and for some members, an exclusive item every 3 months. Agents also receive Christmas presents every year, Memberversary gifts, and access to an Agent-Only Store. 

Field Research

& Articles

Be the first to see new research - artwork and info! Vote for upcoming field missions & subjects! Contribute to the discussion and archives with your experiences & input! Take classes and even leave your mark within the world of the unknown through personal discoveries & missions!

Community & BCWPA Role

Become an integral part of the BCWPA: pick a Banner to work under, a field of study, and a creature/being of focus! Befriend other members and fans of the BCWPA via Discord meet-ups and in-person events. Collaborate and find your place within the ranks - celebrate the weird & wonderful!



BCWPA agents receive a special discount on online purchases of Ballyraven goods - and an even better array of discounts for in-person event shopping! All members will find their name credited as a patron of cryptozoology and cryptid preservation in educational books, as well as other media.

choosing a banner

All who become a Ballyraven Patreon Member are put through the Ballyraven Institute of Cryptozoological Sciences. Upon taking the BICS Graduation exam, members receive their diplomas and become BCWPA agents. New graduates must choose from one of five banners to work under; while this does not greatly influence one's job in the BCWPA, it does influence monthly cryptid update packages, certification eligibility, membership dues, and gear aesthetics.


Each banner is represented by one of the 10 original founders of the BCWPA.


Each banner is represented by a unique mascot, motto, and color scheme - which suits you best? All new members receive a welcome package, position within the BCWPA, and are equally important to the mission!

Those under the Banner of the Frogman are scholarly enthusiasts of the world's strangest organisms; the agency's researchers and thinkers, the Frogman are essential to the mission.


Common Fields of Study:

  • folklore

  • personal encounters

  • archiving information


Common Focuses:

  • aquatic cryptids

  • reptiles

  • humanoids

"Relax and



Monthly Membership Dues


Access to the archives

Membership discounts

Frogman Banner Discord role

Recognition in physical & digital media

Voting rights in all polls

1 new certification exam per year

Membership Package Includes:

Digital BICS Diploma and Graduation Exam

Entry into BCWPA Roster (includes artwork of you, ID Badge, Name Badge)


In the Mail 

              Frogman Mascot Sticker

              Member's Shopping Card

              Exclusive Member's Postcard

Welcome Package Includes:


Website Member

Account's Unique

Badge for Frogman Agents

Do you belong with the frogs?

Those under the Banner of the Lake Beast are daring explorers of the unknown; the agency's

adventurers, the Lake Beasts are crucial to uncovering new

organisms and catching

glimpses of rare creatures.


Common Fields of Study:

  • field research

  • exploration

  • testing unit


Common Focuses:

  • obscure cryptids

  • fae & magic

  • waterhorses

"Explore and



Monthly Membership Dues


Access to the archives

Membership discounts

Lake Beast Banner Discord role

Recognition in physical & digital media

Voting rights in all polls

2 new certification exams per year

Monthly postcard mailed to you

Membership Package Includes:

Digital BICS Diploma and Graduation Exam

Entry into BCWPA Roster (includes artwork of you, ID Badge, Name Badge)


In the Mail 

              Mini Physical Diploma

              Lake Beast Mascot Sticker

              Member's Shopping Card

              2 Exclusive Member's Postcards

Welcome Package Includes:


Website Member Account's Unique Badge for Lake Beast Agents

Come on in, the water's fine!

Those under the Banner of the Bigfoot are the agency's conservationists and guardians; mighty protectors, the Bigfeet

are vital in keeping cryptids

and other rare creatures from

going extinct, defending the

organization and its members

from harm, as well as restoring

the environment to good



Common Fields of Study:

  • breeding or gardening program

  • communication & language

  • defensive or protection unit


Common Focuses:

  • bigfeet and wildmen

  • woodland creatures

  • undead & unclassifiable

"Protect the Wild!"


Monthly Membership Dues


Access to the archives

Membership discounts

Bigfoot Banner Discord role

Recognition in physical & digital media

Voting rights in all polls

3 new certification exams per year

Monthly postcard and sticker mailed to you

Membership Package Includes:

Welcome Package Includes:

Website Member Account's Unique Badge for Bigfoot Agents

Digital BICS Diploma and Graduation Exam

Entry into BCWPA Roster (includes artwork of you, ID Badge, Name Badge)


In the Mail 

              Mini Physical Diploma

              Bigfoot & Bally Mascot Sticker

              Member's Shopping Card

              2 Exclusive Member's Postcards

              Mystery Item(s)

Are you a friend of the forest?


Those under the Banner of the Dragon are the agency's highly trained and specialized members; with agents in every sector of the CWPA, Dragons are part of its fundamental present and

distant future. At the top of

their fields (as teachers,

scholars, explorers, sentries, inventers, and everything in between), these agents have perfected their area of

expertise; Dragons are also

super specialized, knowing absolutely everything about a single, specific thing or creature. You can tell a lot about a Dragon's personality by their favored creature and role within the agency.


Common Fields of Study:

  • relocation program

  • evolutionary theory

  • tourism board


Common Focuses:

  • mythical dragons

  • canine cryptids

  • flying organisms




Monthly Membership Dues


Access to the archives

Membership discounts

Dragon Banner Discord role

Recognition in physical & digital media

Voting rights in all polls

4 new certification exams per year

Monthly postcard, print, and sticker mailed to you

Occasional cryptid/art booklets mailed to you

Exclusive item every 3/months

Membership Package Includes:

Welcome Package Includes:


Digital BICS Diploma and Graduation Exam

Entry into BCWPA Roster (includes artwork of you, ID Badge, Name Badge)


In the Mail 

              Physical Diploma

              Dragon, Bally Mascot, + 1 Extra Sticker

              Member's Shopping Card

              2 Exclusive Member's Postcards

              Mystery Item(s)

              Print of Choice

Website Member Account's Unique Badge for Dragon Agents

Are you ready for

an adventure?

"Fear nothing, do everything!"


Monthly Membership Dues


Those under the Banner of the Mothman are the agency's top secret agents; the most dangerous, mysterious, and talented

members, Mothmen partake in

risky missions, play with

experimental technology and techniques, face the wildest

of organisms, and are the

agency's unquestionably

coolest members. We can't

reveal the inner workings of this group or their responsibilities, but what they do is very important,

very perilous, and for the good of

all cryptid creatures - and our understanding of them!


Common Fields of Study:

  • interdimensional studies

  • paranormal investigation

  • governmental interference unit


Common Focuses:

  • extraterrestrial beings

  • demonic entities

  • criminal cryptid hunters

Access to the archives

Membership discounts

Mothman Banner Discord role

Recognition in physical & digital media

Voting rights in all polls

5 new certification exams per year

Monthly postcard, print, sticker, and commissioned field study (the original drawing mailed to you)

Occasional cryptid/art booklets mailed to you

Exclusive item every 3/months

 A shout-out of your making 1/month (podcast, video, personal)

2 extra prints of choice mailed to you

Membership Package Includes:


Welcome Package Includes:

Website Member Account's Unique Badge for Mothman Agents

Digital BICS Diploma and Graduation Exam

Entry into BCWPA Roster (includes artwork of you, ID Badge, Name Badge)


In the Mail 

              Physical Diploma

              Mothman, Bally Mascot, + 3 More Stickers

              Member's Shopping Card

              2 Exclusive Member's Postcards + 3 More

              Mystery Item(s)

              5 Prints of Choice

You can tag along... if you're not afraid.

What are membership dues used for?

Monthly Mail & Special Gifts

Most of the BCWPA's funding is used to send mail & gifts to its agents! Prints, postcards, stickers, & sometimes more may arrive at one's door! From excitingly rare cryptids to environmentally conscious messages, BCWPA's monthly cryptid update packages are used to share our love for the strange - & appreciation to you!

Research & Content Creation

Researching rare organisms, how they work, what they do, etc. takes a lot of time - and occassional field trips! As our BCWPA funds increase, we would love to expand our research and support others in the cryptid community by enlisting their help in cryptid research, documentation, and content creation!



Every new agent deserves to be heartily welcomed into the BCWPA! Part of every member's dues goes towards the free welcome gift bundles new sign-ons receive! This includes the printing of member-only goods, membership cards, stickers, postcards, and graduation materials.

Hosting &

Event Fees

A portion of BCWPA's funding is put into online storage & podcast hosting. A bill every month, agents' membership dues help cover the costs to make our cryptid educational resources free for the public. Dues are also used to travel to various festivals & conventions, where our research may be shared with many others!

BCWPA's Missions

To educate the public on cryptids and other rare creatures - especially ones that are perceived as dangerous monsters.


With more knowledge and awareness, we hope that all may live in peace and harmony, instead of violence and conflict.


To preserve organisms and prevent species' extinctions.


By discussing environmental issues, educating on harmful & helpful activities, and promoting ways to make positive changes for one's local cryptids, we hope to see the return of balance and wonder to the world.


To bring together cryptid specialists, folklore hobbyists, storytellers, myth enthusiasts, and anything in between!


Cryptids, myths, & folklore can vary so much from place to place. Swap your local tales with others, make new friends, and have fun discussing, wondering!


To collect and preserve as many myths, strange encounters, snippets of folklore, old wives' tales, and superstitions as possible - while also participating in their natural , narrative-evolution.


There are many creatures yet to be discovered. Who are they, what do they do...why?


BCWPA's Founders



Type: Fae



Allegedly abducted from their dimension millions of years ago and thrown into another, a group of Fae Folk have spent hundreds of thousands of years attempting to return home or bring its splendor to Earth (or, as the Fae Folk refer to it, the Prosaic Realm). Most in the community seek to reach these goals at any cost. None, however, have ever managed to find a way back. Every millennium that passes fosters growing fears and dread. Younger fae have growing doubts that such a place exists, or ever has.


Born in the Appalachian wilds, Ballyraven is a shapeshifting creature with a love for stories and sketches. A relatively young fae, Ballyraven has only heard stories of the Home Realm and its magic. The choices and attitudes of the Fae Courts have never sat right with Ballyraven; the cruelty, lies, and deception of its highest members, as well as their harming of the Prosaic's lifeforms, set Ballyraven on another path - one against them.


Losing friends and family, Ballyraven abandoned the comforts of the Fae Kingdoms and the purpose it provided. Adventuring around the globe, Ballyraven sought to understand life and its complexities, taking joy in Earth's wonders. Feeling like an outsider, Ballyraven wanted to find their place in this world. They blended in among humans but never felt like they truly belonged.


Investigating every odd rumor, myth, and strange tale, Ballyraven couldn't shake their desire for something more, something magical, like the stories they heard in their youth. There were so many questions no one seemed to have an answer for. One day, Ballyraven came across something unbelievable - an ancient fae artifact that led to the location of a living cryptid! Skeptical and questioning, Ballyraven was doubtful any others could exist - only to discover another and another with the magical mask’s help! Needing to know the unknown, Ballyraven continued to research and delve into the field; each discovery only led to another question... their answers must be out there somewhere, too.


Meeting many others along the way, Ballyraven created the BCWPA to share information about and protect rare organisms, as well as discover undocumented beings. Those who believed in Ballyraven's cause joined the group; BCWPA's initial agents studied and taught about cryptids, later setting up programs to help restore populations and protect environments. Today, the organization is made up of over 30 members: humans, hybrids, cryptids, and even a few fae.

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Brought to you by the Ballyraven Cryptid Wildlife Protection Agency.

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