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Ghost Specialist

Chrissy Baker

Dates Active:

February 2022 - Present

BCWPA Chapter Location:


BCWPA Banner:



Paranormal Activity

Minor Department:

Paranormal Research Center

Job Title:

Ghost Specialist

"They're only scary because they're misunderstood."

One of the strangest subjects to research, Chrissy is dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of paranormal entities. Little is known about these bewildering, unpredictable organisms who seem to defy the very laws of nature—which can make them a bit spooky! Specializing in ghosts, Chrissy developed technology to detect this kind of entity's presence; she also is a pioneer in Ghostly Communications. Unlike other methods, her system elicits a ghost's response 92% of the time! Yet, what exactly they are trying to communicate is anyone's guess, for now.

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