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Unit Caption

Lycaon M. Schang

Dates Active:

August 2022 - Present

BCWPA Chapter Location:

New York

BCWPA Banner:



Extradimensional Studies

Minor Department:

Interdimensional Exploration Unit

Job Title:

Unit Caption

"Window areas like to appear in very
specific places..."

Cursed by malevolent fae, Lycaon comes from a long line of Lycanthropes—referred to as "werewolves" by the public. After the accidental discovery of a fae artifact, Lycaon became the first human to experience interdimensional travel and return! Reuniting Ballyraven with their lost item, Lycaon was an early addition to the BCWPA team. The only agent with any real knowledge and experience with other dimensions, he formed the Interdimensional Exploration Unit. Seeking and studying things that do not originate here, he helps some find their way back home and brings others back for research.

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