Cornered again, chimera lips curl.
this Abbagoochie is at an end.
A brisk orbit, it bites its own tail.
Agony, angry, body awhirl,
No one can best it, it self inhales!
gone, nothing is left, no more torment.
Genetic material donated from: Great Gray Owl, American Red Fox or Swift Fox, Mule Deer or White-Tailed Deer or Bongo, Coyote, Raccoon, Oppossum, Wild Boar, Emden Goose, Black Rat, Wolverine
Sexual Dimorphism: feather-shape, mane and tail differences
Population Trend: increasing; 60+
Incubation Period: 6.5 months
Independent Age: 2.5 years old
Baby Name: Faun
Digestive System: four-chambered stomach; does not require cud
Seasonal Influence: partial migrant
Locomotive Status: terrestrial; non-functional wings
Sound: deep squeals, chatter, barks
Vision: dichromatic; nocturnal vision superior to diurnal vision
Weaknesses: poor swimmers, poor danger assessment

A scientific marvel, the Abbagoochie is a genetically engineered creature with legs like a deer, wings like an owl, a face like a coyote, arms like a raccoon, hands like an oppossum, and a tail like a fox. It is made up of biological material from 10 different animal species (with 6 variations) and was first carried to term by a surrogate mother. Never meant to be released into the wild, it has since bred out of control in Appalachian regions.
The spawn of this organism marks the first successful endeavor in human history with complex genetic modification. There are groups that see this milestone as a grim sign of end times - some even claiming to have foretold the creation of the Abbagoochie, as well as devastation caused by it and the catastrophic events to come.
"...and a final warning appeared: a 10-headed beast born from a towering, 10-eyed woman, the abomination sharing one mouth, one heart, and one mind. From the skies, it devoured any that opposed it. On land, it crushed those beneath it. Yet, it knew its time was short. Biting the hand of its mother, it hid in the wilderness. Fearing The Sun, The Moon, The Earth, and The Water, it broke the bonds of the Abyss. "If I must perish, so too shall all," it hissed.
from the Acride Decepta, "The Decimalis", dated to originate from ~350 BCE
Only fragments remain of the Acride Decepta, more commonly known as the "Visions of the Chimera." Currently, there are no complete volumes of this work, nor do any claim to know of or practice this faith. Some scholars tie the cult to Faelyn, an enduring religion dedicated to the worship of nature and its components; sharing similarities in both literature and doctrine, the Cult of the Chimera is hypothesized to be an early form of the faith, or an early, branching sect of Faelyn that diminished. Today, some use the Acride Decepta to accuse groups they disagree with of wrongdoing or to set them as antagonists in alignment with their own beliefs. Generally, this piece of ancient literature is perceived negatively, linked with apostasy or daemonic rituals.
As so little of this apocryphal writing has been uncovered, it is difficult to ascertain this doomsday faith's complete beilef system. It, however, is known that they worshipped up to five nature deities and viewed themselves as extensions or servants of them. Collected literature exhibits a firm conviction against 'enemies of Creation' and belief in an eventual end and rebirth of the world. The Cult of the Chimera proclaimed that a series of warnings and occurences would usher in disaster and the downfall of thier pantheon, exterminating all life and replacing it with horrific monsters, sending natural law into chaos.
Mentions of the Cult of the Chimera cease to exist after ~400 CE. Notably, one researcher-turned-beliver of the cult has linked the prophecy of the 10-headed beast to the Abbagoochie; she, however, is not the only one who has noted similarities between the ILUM experiment and the Decimalis. Largely obscure, this theory has little following or documentation.
The Institution of Leading and Upgrading Mankind ("ILUM", ih-loom) is a worldwide organization with great wealth, power, and an undisclosed membership/staff roster. The full history, activity, and perspective of the ILUM are obscure; not much is definitively known.
Historians, cryptozoologists, ufologists, and other experts have drawn connections between ILUM and extraterrestrials, government interference, and information suppression. Eschatologists have a special interest in ILUM, tying their alleged beliefs and pursuits to others' doomsday prophecies, religious figures, and viewpoints; the study of associated apocalyptic faiths have persuaded some scholars to transition from disbelief or indifference to a distate for or fear of the ILUM. However, many argue that ILUM is less malicious and far-reaching than its critics suggest - an example of corrupt commercialism at worst. In response, dissidents accuse these skeptics of being paid or threatened to voice these opinions. Among all of these groups, the most vocal ILUM commentators are fringe theorists; they primarily argue that ILUM members are not human at all - their agenda tied to a strange existence.
In circles where the group is known, ILUM is most discussed for their stated mission: to guide humanity in preparation of a future era. With such a vague, controversial goal and innumerable resources on hand, they have more enemies than allies; yet, this appears to matter little to ILUM. In fact, the organization seems to thrive on the heated arguments and conspiracies it generates.
"Chapters" (research centers) of this organization exist worlwide, typically in remote wildernesses. While the general public may know little to nothing of ILUM, a higher percentage are more familiar with their smaller subgroups, or at least their mistakes or information leaks. ILUM chapters focus on a variety of technological and medical advancements, as well as contribute to the fields of archeaology, theology, and anthropology. Chapter X, the chapter responsible for genetic modification research, is located in Costa Rica. They are the second most famous ILUM establishment, known for the creation and mismanagement of the first artificial chimera.
PROJECT VIT-X | Blueprints for Custom Lifeforms
PROJECT VIT-X was the culmination of decades of scientific research and testing. The endeavor was intended to combine genetic material from different sources in order to extend or improve one's life; a new, complex science, it was not thought of as an immediately applicable technology, but an investment into the future.
With each failed fertilization, fetal incubation, and birth, methods were adjusted, new precautions taken, and problems pinpointed. To all involved, it was a surprise when their most daring combination (combining the genetic material of 10 unique sources) was a success. Experiment #748 was a healthy organism, a scientific milestone.
A chimera - an organism with a form and/or psyche that combines 2+ animal classifications (such as mammal or reptile) - the genetically engineered creature displayed traits found in both birds and mammals. The majority of its DNA taken from one of three deer species, fertilized eggs were implanted within the womb of a healthy White-Tailed Deer. Monitored hourly, 15 of the 20 eggs implanted, developing embryos that grew to 8 inches in 3 months. After another 30 days, they doubled in size, putting stress on their host and compressing inner fetuses. The weakest and smallest of the brood found in the center, these four exhibited growing deformities, malnourishment, and stunted development. Their likely deaths would lead to several complications, possibly ending the lives of the surrogate and her offspring. Far into the experiment, and with several promising specimens, a risky decision had to be made: leave the fetuses within the womb and allow them to be carried to full term, or extract them prematurely and utilize life support.
The decision made to perform a C-section, 12 of the 15 organisms were successfully transferred into a specialized nursery; feeding, medication, and other forms of care were administered at a distance with specialized tools. Uncertain if the chimeras were dangerous, capable of spreading undetected illnesses, susceptible to human ailments, or harmed/negatively influenced by human activity, uptmost caution was taken. Once stabilized, the young were transfered into individual cells; reared in a sterilized environment, the creatures could see into each other's dormitories, but not touch. Padded with mounds of earth, grass, some shrubbery, and one tree each, the eastern and western walls were two-way mirrors, each with automatic, slidingdoors in the center. The northern wall bare, the southern boundary contained a heavy, latched door with a lockable flap near the floor; here, food entered their rooms twice a day.
Once the animals reached 3 months of age, one-on-one trial visits began. Cautious and with raised hackles, the animals acted territorial and defensive for several weeks. Guarding the entrances to their rooms, no Abbagoochies left or entered another cell. Yet, third party activity neighter aggrivated or alleviated the tension.
As pairs let down their guards with another and bonded, an additional Abbagoochie cell opened, introducing 1-2 other chimeras. The process would repeat, acclimation occuring after 3-5 weeks. In pairs or as a larger group, the animals moved as one, keeping the same gait, going the same direction, and performing the same activities.
raised by laboratory technicians and had little physical contact with others, even those of their kind. Once the Abbagoochies reached adolescence, the chimeras were placed in the same containment room with their mother for observation; within minutes, the creatures aggressively swarmed the deer, picking its bones clean. Frightened, the researchers were uncertain how to respond. Attempting to lure them back to their individual cages with food, workers were overcome, the slightly open door burst through. Upon their escape, the Abbagoochies consumed all personnel in the building before exiting into the wild.
SPECIES INTRODUCTION | the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources (WVDNR) Abbagoochies quickly adapted to their new environment and thrived, eating their own weight in vegetation, fruit, flesh, and trash every few days (or every day, if inclined); the animals will eat anything-even things much larger, attacking as a coordinated group. Known by locals as “dry-land piranhas,” these deadly chimeras mostly remain in regions outside of human activity. However, they still occasionally cause trouble within cities: eating pets, knocking trash cans over, and, every so often, killing a person out alone at night or hiking. Deaths caused by Abbagoochies are quickly covered up by an unnamed, secret organization—an organization who is also responsible for the creature’s creation. Seeking to capture and contain the chimeras for further research, groups of heavily armed men were loosed in Costa Rica. During this private commission, the Abbagoochie’s self defensive, self-destructive tactic was discovered.
With their attempts to capture unsuccessful, the command was given to eradicate all but four of the creatures instead. With more experience and knowledge gathered, four were eventually targeted with tranquilizers and successfully placed in captivity. One of its members stumbling upon Abbagoochie research, the WVDNR threatened to reveal the society’s activities; in response, the group offered West Virginia two of the creatures to aid in exterminating excess coyotes, mountain lions, snakes, ladybugs, and other, more pressing, monstrous creatures that plagued the region in exchange for their silence and cooperation. Seeing the benefits of such an arrangement, the WVDNR agreed.
Genetic Contributions
Great Gray Owl: influence greatest in wing and upper spine structure
American Red Fox or Swift Fox: influence greatest in fur coloration and facial structure
Mule Deer or White-Tailed Deer or Bongo: influence greatest in overall body structure, especially the limbs
Coyote: influence greatest in
Raccoon: influence greatest in
Oppossum: influence greatest in hand structure
Wild Boar: influence greatest in
Emden Goose: influence greatest in neck and head plummage
Black Rat: influence greatest in intelligence
Wolverine: influence greatest in
LOCATIONS DISCOVERED Costa Rica, West Virginia
In the early 1980’s, two Abbagoochies arrived in West Virginia, heavily sedated in metal cages. They were quickly freed in a rural mountain region. Like in Costa Rica, the chimeras quickly adapted to their new environment, growing stronger, more adept each year.
In 1999, Abbagoochie sightings sky-rocketed from Upshur to Wyoming county. The creatures began moving closer to human communities—consuming not only pests and other wildlife, but livestock, pets, and humans; deaths were covered up, families given poor answers, and law enforcement were instructed, coerced to ignore certain cases, but given no reason why. People mysteriously vanished for several years, locals and police forces becoming increasingly panicked. Then, tales of a creature looking like a cross between a bird, deer, and canine began circulating. Parents fearfully walked their children to and from school, civilians carried guns everywhere they went, and people ceased going outdoors unless it was absolutely necessary. The WVDNR knew the Abbagoochies needed to be eradicated.
Several meetings took place in the 2000’s concerning the extermination of the chimeras, as their populations were growing out of control. Several groups were sent out to kill the animals, though they had no idea how many of them there were. Task force agents disguised as hunters and fishermen scoured the woods for years, looking for any signs of Abbagoochies. Many of the creatures were killed, but it is suspected that several fertilized eggs and lone individuals remained in the wild. As their population was greatly decreased, it temporarily solved the issue; every year, the WVDNR sends agents into the field to look for evidence of the chimeras, expunging them on site. However, sightings of the creatures still occur from time to time, as well as the discovery of strange eggs on the ground; these people ominously disappear soon after reporting such events.
To this day, the WVDNR denies the existence of Abbagoochies or a connection to a secret organization, though strange government officials and foreign operatives are still seen in the woods. All West Virginian residents and visitors should remain wary of the Abbagoochie, never following deer tracks just in case.1
Abbagoochies have a fluffy, feathery, white head with large, owl-like eyes with brown or green irises. Their snouts are long like a canine’s, drooping lips covering an array of sharp teeth; when the Abbagoochie is ready to strike or becomes aggressive, its muzzle pulls back in an intimidating snarl.
The main portion of this creature’s body resembles that of a deer—having four legs ending in cloven hooves and a thick, short-haired, soft hide; fur may be different hues of brown or, in rare instances, gray, white, or striped with black and brown. Abbagoochies have two arms with opposable thumbs and sharp claws; though they can pick up and grasp objects, their hand- dexterity is limited, making them clumsy. The wings on the chimeras’ backs have white or gray feathers. When extended, the wings are about the length of the creature’s body; due to their size, small flight muscles, and weight, the Abbagoochie cannot fly for long or to great heights-only jump from high elevations and flutter down. These animals’ bodies end in a large, fluffy tail, which is often seen pointing outwards in a straight line. On average, they weigh 35 lbs and are about the size of a large, white-tailed deer.
The Abbagoochie is a violent predator and opportunistic herbivore; any consumables it crosses will be eaten, and any easy prey hunted. They are especially known the feed on lone coyotes, sleeping mountain lions, snakes, and ladybugs.
When cornered and threatened, the chimera foams at the mouth, snarling viciously, and all of its hair stands on end. The animal then runs in a circle, spinning like a small whirlwind and latching aggressively onto its tail; like an ouroboros, the Abbagoochie consumes itself. Some believe that the chimera does not actually die, but teleports elsewhere, having genetic material from an extraterrestrial.

As they had no external genitalia, it was assumed that the creatures were unable to reproduce and that they would eventually die off. One female and male was unknowingly transported to West Virginia.
Abbagoochies reproduce through eggs once every 78 months. However, the chimeras did not successfully breed until 1992, as though they had traversed together initially, they went separate ways after 4 - 5 months. When their paths crossed once more, eight Abbagoochies were born one year later—the youths as vicious, intelligent, and capable as their parents.
Coupled Abbagoochies hunt together and defend their eggs until they hatch; they do not build nests, but lay directly on the ground. Once their offspring are free of their shell, they leave them to fend for themselves. After several months, offspring grow considerably and break off into smaller groups, or go off on their own.